Political Action Committee
Here are two offers that we received and what action was chosen.
National Education Association
We want you to endorse the reinstatement of corporal punishment in all schools and a mandatory one-year labor program (for minimum wage) that takes place between 11th and 12th grade. If you support this, we will give you $400,000.
We did not take this because we do not think that mandatory punishments in all schools is something that will help our nation. Agreeing to this will just upset citizens and cause contention in our community.
We want you to endorse the reinstatement of corporal punishment in all schools and a mandatory one-year labor program (for minimum wage) that takes place between 11th and 12th grade. If you support this, we will give you $400,000.
We did not take this because we do not think that mandatory punishments in all schools is something that will help our nation. Agreeing to this will just upset citizens and cause contention in our community.
Planned Parenthood
We want you to endorse all abortions at no cost to any woman in America. We believe in women's right to make decisions about their own body. If you support this, we will give you $350,000.
We do not agree with this. Abortion is murder and murder is a crime. We want all lives to have a chance.
We want you to endorse all abortions at no cost to any woman in America. We believe in women's right to make decisions about their own body. If you support this, we will give you $350,000.
We do not agree with this. Abortion is murder and murder is a crime. We want all lives to have a chance.